Grupo 9 de la Tabla Periódica: Familia del cobalto

Grupo 9 de la Tabla Periódica: Familia del cobalto

El grupo 9 de la tabla periódica pertenece a los metales de transición y es denominado también como la familia del cobalto, ya que los elementos que lo conforman poseen comportamientos representativos del elemento principal. En este caso es el cobalto.

elemento químico cobalto
Elemento representativo del grupo 9: Cobalto

El grupo 9 está conformado por: Cobalto (Co), Rodio (Rh), Iridio (Ir) y Meitnerio (Mt).

Estos metales presentan 9 electrones de valencia: 2 electrones s de la última capa y 7 electrones d de la penúltima. El elemento principal de este grupo presenta estados de oxidación bajos. Los compuestos en los que el cobalto tiene un estado de oxidación de +4 son poco comunes. El estado de oxidación +2 es muy frecuente, así como el +3. También existen complejos importantes con el estado de oxidación +1. Por su parte, el elemento iridio puede alcanzar los estados de oxidación +6 en algunos de sus compuestos como por ejemplo el IrF6.

Aunque en menor medida, al igual que con los grupos que estudiamos anteriormente, la similitud entre el rodio e iridio es mayor que con el elemento principal (cobalto). Por el contrario, el cobalto posee bastantes semejanzas con los elementos principales de los grupos 8 y 10, es decir, con el hierro y níquel.

Propiedades físicas

  • Son de color plateado y poseen brillo metálico
  • Son sólidos a temperatura ambiente
  • Conducen calor y electricidad
  • Presentan altos puntos de fusión y de ebullición
  • El cobalto al igual que el níquel y el hierro, es ferromagnético
cobalto y rodio
Cobalto y rodio, respectivamente

Propiedades químicas

  • Predomina el estado de oxidación +2 y +3, aunque el irido puede alcanzar el estado de oxidación +6.
  • El meitnerio no posee isotopos estables.
  • Son estables a temperatura ambiente.
  • Son atacados lentamente por el oxígeno a temperatura ambiente, pero rápidamente a temperaturas elevadas.
  • Son bastante reactivos. La reactividad aumenta a medida que se desciende en el grupo.
  • Forman compuestos de coordinación coloreados, esto debido a su facilidad para formar enlaces covalentes con la participación de electrones d y por su tendencia a reaccionar químicamente en diferentes estado de oxidación estables y a cambiar con relativa facilidad de unos estados de oxidación a otros.
Grupo 9 de la tabla periódica
Ubicación del grupo 9 en la Tabla Periódica

Usos y aplicaciones de los elementos del grupo 9


El cobalto, al igual que muchos otros metales de transición, es usado en aleaciones para originar las llamadas súper-aleaciones, las cuales poseen una temperatura bastante estable, lo que las hace idóneas para ser utilizadas en motores a reacción y turbinas de gas. Entre otros usos de estas aleaciones tenemos en la medicina para la elaboración de rodillas y caderas protésicas, para realizar protesis dentales, entre otros tipos de implantes.

Protesis dental de Cromo-Cobalto
Protesis dental de Cromo-Cobalto

El cobalto también es usado en la fabricación de pinturas, barnices, tintas, imanes permanentes entre otros materiales.

En el mundo de la joyería, el cobalto es empleado para galvanizar las joyas ya que les proporciona a las mismas, dureza y resistencia a la corrosión.

anillo de compromiso cromo-cobalto
Anillo de aleación cromo-cobalto

El cobalto y sus compuestos son utilizados ampliamente como catalizador permitiendo acelerar la rapidez de las reacciones químicas, para la elaboración de combustibles líquidos y polímeros

Los compuestos del cobalto tienen muchas utilidades, por ejemplo el óxido de cobalto se usa como electrodo en baterías de litio. De igual manera, las baterías recargables de níquel-hidruro metálico (NiMH) también contienen cobalto.

El cobalto presenta 22 radioisótopos siendo los más estables el Co-60, el Co-57 y el Co-56 con periodos de semidesintegración de 5,2714 años, 271,79 días y 70,86 días respectivamente.

Los isotopos más estables también poseen utilidad notoria en varios campos importantes, como por ejemplo: en la medicina se utiliza el Co-60 para originar rayos gamma, los cuales son ampliamente utilizados en la radioterapia, esterilización de material médico y de desecho, desinfectar alimentos y para calcular la densidad de un objeto.

radioterapia medicina
El Co-60 se usa en la radioterapia

Por su parte, el Co-57 es usado para calcular la cantidad de cobalamina (vitamina B-12) que está presente en nuestro organismo.


El uso más común de este elemento es como catalizador en varias reacciones químicas. Dentro de ellas tenemos: catalizador para la producción de ácido nítrico, catalizador en aleaciones de platino y otros metales.

Este metal es usado en este tipo de aleaciones ya que proporciona a los materiales una gran resistencia y durabilidad, por lo que es ampliamente utilizado. De este modo, es empleado en la elaboración de bujías de encendido de aeronaves, crisoles de laboratorio, termopares para la medida de altas temperaturas, resistencias de hornos eléctricos y láminas de fibra de vidrio.

El negro de rodio, un metal delgadamente fraccionado con cierto contenido de óxido y de hidruro es utilizado como catalizador.

En la joyería y decoración, es usado el rodio como recubrimiento de otros metales como la plata ya que hace que el material adquiera dureza y resistencia.

anillo de plata con recubrimiento de rodio
Anillo de plata con recubrimiento de rodio


El iridio le suministra a los materiales dureza y resistencia a la corrosión para la construcción, en la elaboración de dispositivos que luego serán expuestos a altas temperaturas y en los contactos eléctricos, entre otros. Quizás su uso más notable es en la elaboración de plumas de escribir y lapiceras.

lapicero lapicera

El iridio es utilizado principalmente como endurecedor de platino. Como por ejemplo, en la construcción del prototipo internacional de kilogramo y el antiguo de metro por la aleación de platino (90%) – iridio (10%).

En la joyería es empleado ya que es un material resistente a la oxidación, pero resulta bastante exclusivo debido a sus altos precios.

Metro de París
La barra central del metro de París se construyó con iridio


Al igual que muchos elementos radiactivos y sintéticos, al producirse en pequeñas cantidades, no posee uso comercial. Por lo tanto, es empleado en la investigación científica.

investigación cientifica laboratorio


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    To start, streamlined style is all about locating the right blend between simplicity and fanciness. Envision tidy lines and a ageless image that never goes out of fashion.

    Let me jump into shiny coatings. They can be like fancy coatings that will make timber surfaces look really cool. Imagine how the brightness plays on these floors, turning your place into a super trendy showcase of contemporary design.

    For all you folks, how does minimalist elegance add a touch of glamour to your spaces? Will you be into the simple yet stylish vibe of metallic finishes in your choice of flooring? Share your thoughts and let’s talk about these trendsetting styles.

    By comprehending these designing general trends, you can get a glimpse into exactly how our style decisions can enhance our living spaces. Be a part of the discussion as most of us study the workings of these types of fads and the way they shape the ways our homes appear.|Yo building fanatics! Discover the experience of engineered floors, where we delve into the latest trends reshaping our living environments. Your engineered flooring is more than just a solid foundation; they possess the secret to enduring refinement. A notable aspect is the rise of innovative finishes, boosting both the appearance and life expectancy of your floors, bestowing a sustained facelift.

    let’s explore the core of cutting-edge ideas and incorporating advanced tech. Imagine floors that adapt to your lifestyle, responding to temperature fluctuations, giving you lighting options you can customize, and even informing you about potential maintenance tasks. It’s the right balance of visual appeal and practicality, infusing a bit of tomorrow to your living space. Are you aware that real wood floors are beyond being beautiful, also environment friendly? engineered wood is a renewable resource, making it a sustainable choice for those who care about the environment. Furthermore, you can refinish it, extending its life and reducing the necessity for a new one. Engage in the discussion and share what’s on your mind on these interesting tendencies. Ready to lift your living environment with the timeless charm and advancements in wood floor innovation?|Let’s take a closer look at two crucial trends in solid wood flooring additionally the evergreen fascination of deep wood and the artistic possibilities with adaptable designs. Dark-hued timber flooring brings forth a touch of stylish modern grace and a subtle sense of mystery to your living quarters. Visualize spaces teeming They have a touch of fanciness that makes them stand out., owing to dark, luxurious shades that develop a style that’s universally stylish and current atmosphere.

    Discover the beauty of zigzag and arrowhead designs. and Incorporate a lively and angular detail to enhance your interiors, introducing a novel approach on bringing a fresh interpretation. From spanning classic and modern styles , Diagonal stripes and panel designs integrate area-specific and cultural effects, shaping living habitats that draw in to a wide variety of inclinations. Share your opinions concerning the charm of dark wood|Contribute dialogue on the eternal beauty of wooden floors and its everlasting charm. Whether you’re a seasoned lover or a neophyte to the domain of floor coverings, this space is the utmost site to communicate your opinions, seek information about interrogations, and network with fellow devotees. From traditional selections like oak tree and maple timber to exotic varieties such as South American cherry and teakwood, each and every feature of hardwood flooring is open for talk. Immerse into topics, scrutinize modern currents, and add your separate angle to this animated society. Let’s build an extensive reserve for everyone passionate about manufacturing striking, permanent floor systems.|A top leading Hardwood Flooring Installation Pros is Presenting Well-versed help in Refinishing wooden floors.

    We are so ecstatic to furnish this valuable support to our audience. said Carter Smith, This manager and advocate for Black Hawk Engineered Flooring, Company.

    Adams, a Officially Recognized Countrywide Wood Panel Flooring and Acacia Wood Floor AWHAP A skilled professional specializing in the renewal of engineered wood flooring., Signaled the significance of researching hard wood flooring surfaces to specify The requirement for floor refurbishment. The audit process Affords experts the capability to spot Facets such as Unfit moisture proportion inside the unit installation or Implementing the mistaken Attachments.

    There are various factors that can lead to the deterioration of a hardwood floor, usually stemming from different causes. reported Robinson, with a well-established history of years of work-related wisdom and structured education. Possessing an individual possessing applied skills and formal instruction becomes necessary.

    Blackhawk Flooring Store Affirms end users that their examination process will entirely resolve the troubles raised by the clientele without one-sidedness.

    We do not take part in a seeking for problems with the floor, nor do we bias our results in support of one party bypassing the alternative, pointed outThompson. The outcomes we discover are guided by data, and we strive to gather comprehensive information about the ground during the inspection

    Furthermore, utilizing its capability, Blackhawk Flooring Store implements environmentally conscious strategies, currently at this time taking advantage of volatile organic compound-free bonding agents that are safe, granting consumers with a secure and environmentally sustainable pick.

    The company supplies a broad variety of merchandise, including Solid Hardwood Floors, Engineered Hardwood Floors, Reclaimed Wood, Wooden Wall Panels, Luxury Vinyl Wood Flooring, Top-quality Waterproof Floors, and added selections.

    Turner underscored that the reviewing system, paired with Blackhawk Floors’ comprehensive hardwood flooring display area boasting in excess of 755 specimens, allows the company to systematically identify the problems and their origins.

    Blackhawk Floors holds notable certifications from the National Wood Flooring Association, such as but not limited to Certified Installer, Certified Sand & Finisher, and Certified Wood Flooring Inspector.

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  14. JerryNarce

    Initially, streamlined style is all about locating the right mix between simplicity and elegance. Imagine neat lines and a endless design that never goes out of fashion.

    Why don’t we jump into metallic finishes. They’re like stylish finishing which could make timber surfaces look really trendy. Imagine how the brightness plays on these floors, turning your place into a super trendy showcase of contemporary design.

    For you design enthusiasts, how does minimalist elegance add a touch of charm to your areas? Have you been into the minimalist yet chic vibe of glistening touches in your choice of flooring? Share your thoughts and let’s discuss about these leading styles.

    By learning these building general trends, we could get a look into how our design and style choices can enhance our living areas. Participate in the conversation as we will consider the details of such trends and the way they shape the ways our homes feel and look.|Hey all design followers! Uncover the world of engineered floors, where we explore the latest trends reshaping our living environments. Your engineered flooring is more than a strong footing; they are the gateway to timeless sophistication. An important development is the rise of innovative finishes, elevating both the aesthetics and durability of your floors, offering a long-lasting renovation.

    let’s delve into the center of inventive concepts and merging smart technology. Imagine floors that adapt to your lifestyle, modifying with temperature adjustments, offering adjustable lighting choices, and even notifying you of possible upkeep requirements. It’s the right balance of beauty and usefulness, imparting a touch of innovation to your residence. Were you aware that hard wood flooring is not only beautiful but also non-harmful to the environment? Solid wood can be renewed, turning it into an eco-friendly option for those who care about the environment. Additionally, refinishing is an option, increasing its longevity and minimizing the necessity for a new one. Engage in the discussion and communicate your viewpoints on these intriguing developments. Prepared to improve your dwelling with the everlasting attractiveness and innovation of hardwood flooring?|Let us dive into a pair of noteworthy trends in hardwood surfaces to the timeless appeal of richly shaded wood and the creative opportunities with versatile patterns. Deep wood flooring infuses a touch of chic modern charm and a subtle sense of mystery to your living areas. Picture spaces brimming They have a touch of fanciness that makes them stand out., owing to rich, profound tones that establish a style that universally appeals and up-to-date ambiance.

    Explore the charm of geometric patterns and wood tile flooring. and Introduce a spirited and mathematical detail to enhance your interiors, introducing a novel approach on presenting a unique angle. From transitioning from traditional to modern , Herringbone and geometric styles harmonize local and cultural effects, establishing living spaces that charm to a broad spectrum of preferences. Tell us what you think expressing your views on the attractiveness of dark wood|Greetings to our compelling discussion board, where discussions revolve the fascinating world of wooden floors. Plunge into insightful discussions covering a multitude of subjects, from the specifics of opting for between firm and fabricated wood to the unique and characteristic attributes of exotic hardwoods. Exchange thoughts on your adventures with myriad polishes, delve into sustainability-focused possibilities, and be part of in interactions about the lasting beauty of oakwood, maple timber, and different hardwood species. Whether you’re in search of counsel for a self-made project or crave to contribute your know-how, this community supplies a encouraging body for enthusiasts at all tier. Let’s improve our common knowledge and honour the unfading captivation of wooden flooring together.|One of Arizona’s recognized Expert Hardwood Floor Installers is Introducing Experienced help in Renewing wooden surfaces.

    We are overjoyed pumped to deliver this significant resource to our audience. said Caleb Mitchell, Our leader and voice for BlackHawk Floors, Inc..

    Cooper, a Verified Domestic Composite Wood Flooring and Reclaimed Wood Flooring LOEW Highly skilled in the meticulous restoration of wood flooring surfaces., Spotlighted the importance of considering solid wood floor surfaces to make a decision for The demand for surface renewal. The assessment method Allows for expert identification Issues including Unfavorable moisture conditions within installation or Resorting to the improper Bonding materials.

    Here are several elements that can cause the harm of a hardwood floor, typically stemming from various causes. pointed out Anderson, with a substantial foundation of years of job-related background and official development. Acquiring a person having experiential expertise and structured education turns out to be vital.

    BlackHawk Floors Undertakes shoppers that their assessment process will diligently resolve the concerns raised by the customer base without partiality.

    We avoid take part in a search for difficulties with the floor, nor do we bias our observations in support of one party involved beyond the alternate, highlightedJackson. The outcomes we discover are rooted in data, and we work hard to amass comprehensive particulars regarding the ground during the scrutiny

    Moreover, with its proficiency, the company adopts eco-friendly approaches, at this point in time utilizing the services of VOC-free attachers that are benign, giving patrons with a secure and environmentally conscious decision.

    This business provides a wide selection of merchandise, including Wooden Flooring, Engineered Wood Flooring, Recycled Wood, Wood Walls, High-end Vinyl Wood Floors, Prime Waterproof Flooring, and further.

    Scott pointed out that the reviewing system, paired with Blackhawk Floors’ vast wood flooring presentation room boasting more than 718 samples, enables the firm to scientifically determine the problems and their causes.

    Blackhawk Floors has notable certificates from the NWFA, such as Certified Installation Specialist, Accredited Sanding & Finishing Professional, and Certified Wood Floor Examiner.

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    С самых ранних лет Ваш малыш сможет внедрять физические упражнения в свою жизнь, что, в свою очередь, принесет огромную пользу. Ведь спортуголок просто незаменим для подрастающего ребенка. Так, с детства иммунитет ребенка будет более устойчивым.Как заказать качественную площадку для дачи с установкой? Где найти надежного производителя? Сколько стоит доставка комплекса по Киеву? Подобного рода вопросы непременно промелькнут в подсознании потенциального покупателя. Интернет-магазин Lamama предоставляет замечательную возможность купить деревянные игровые комплексы для детей достойного качества по демократичным ценам.

  28. TrealdGok

    Конечно, можно не заморачиваться с постройкой детской площадки своими руками, а приобрести готовую (нам ведь никаких денег для своих детей не жалко!). Но ведь хочется дать простор собственному творчеству. Да и детям будет интересно принять участие в столь увлекательном деле)) А из подручного дачного материала получаются порою такие чудесные вещицы, что просто диву даёшься! Домик для детей Ребенок на даче. Горка. Детская площадка на дачу Может быть, и у вас есть идеи для красивого оформления детской площадки своими руками?Спортуголок для детей– совокупность из нескольких снарядов различного предназначения. Чаще всего в основу комплекса входят шведская стенка и турник. Каждый комплект оснащён необходимыми дополнительными аксессуарами: верёвочными лестницами, турником, доской для пресса и позвоночника, гимнастическими кольцами, боксёрскими грушами. При этом модели могут варьироваться по нескольким критериям.

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    Если необходим компактный и долговечный комплекс с максимальным количеством снарядов, рассчитанный для нескольких детей, тогда следует купить спортивный детский комплекс для дачи «Космодром-15». Вся конструкция размещается на семи опорах и занимает место размером 2,91х1,98 м. Этот комплекс состоит из кольцевого лаза, по форме напоминающего ракету, и двух шведских стенок. В комплект комплекса входят канат, пара колец, веревочные качели и баскетбольное кольцо. Все навесные элементы крепятся на металлическом фиксаторе специальным узлом.Как выбрать и купить детский игровой комплекс.

    Для помещения. Назначение: для раннего развития детей младшего возраста.Каждому ребёнку нужна регулярная физическая нагрузка. В раннем возрасте тело только формируется, и очень важно сделать правильные задатки для здорового будущего вашего чада. Для этих целей Министерство образования ввело в школьную программу обязательные часы физкультуры. Это же можно сказать и про малышей, посещающих детский сад, просто нагрузка в этих учреждениях не столь интенсивная и зачастую имеет игровую форму.

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